by LMCC | Oct 30, 2017 | Holiday
Photos By Sandra Small Photographer. Yes, the country may be caught up in this year’s world series, but we in La Mesa have our own “All Star” teams. The Chamber partnered with Teresa McClatchy and her team at Barnes & Noble to encourage...
by LMCC | Dec 8, 2016 | Holiday
Photos By Sandra Small Photographer. The La Mesa Chamber put a “little love” in lots of hearts on December 7th when the baskets and bags full of food, toiletries, cash, gift cards, socks and other donated/purchased items were delivered to...
by LMCC | Dec 7, 2016 | Holiday
Photos By Sandra Small Photographer. The La Mesa Chamber of Commerce was thrilled to present all the clothing items, in conjunction with the “Children’s Holiday Project” on December 6th to Maxine Lynch, President and Lindsey Hurley, Vice President of...
by LMCC | Dec 7, 2016 | Holiday
Photos By Sandra Small Photographer. La Mesa Chamber members and friends came together on December 6th to celebrate our strength and sense of giving, by collecting and distributing toys to military families living in La Mesa. This project was the creation of local...