Who We Are
What We Offer
Listen to Mary England’s Interview on the La Mesa Advice Givers Podcast
A Proud Community Partner
The La Mesa Chamber of Commerce prides itself on being a good community partner. In addition to the ongoing projects and activities that support, benefit and spotlight our members, we strive to partner on various community projects.
Annual Holiday Giving Programs
For the past several years we have joined the La Mesa Employees Association and adopted homebound senior during the holiday season. We involve our members by collecting non-perishable food items, gift cards, clothing and other necessities that they need. We package them in beautiful, large gift baskets and transport them to the La Mesa Police Department, who deliver them to our seniors. The Chamber purchases warm holiday meals that are delivered with these gift baskets, making the holidays a little brighter for our deserving seniors. We have recently included in our charitable giving program – local children in need. These children are from within our local school district and are given new clothing items, as well as food for their entire family. Both of these projects have been warmly received by the community, as well as our members.
Annual Salute to Local Heroes
For over a decade, our Salute to Local Heroes has become a signature Chamber event. This dinner recognizes our local heroes from law enforcement, fire fighters, paramedics and the Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol. These brave men and women are honored on this special evening for saving lives and their tireless commitment to making our community a better place to live.
Taste of San Diego – East
The Taste has become the popular “Feast in the East” as people come together for this annual event. Local restaurants and food providers eagerly await this opportunity to showcase their signature dishes and introduce the attendees to their establishments.
Annual Spring Fling and Summer Bash Business Expos
The Chamber consistently adds activities that are beneficial to our Members. Our two most recently added activities are: “Spring Fling” and “Summer Bash” business expos. These events have become extremely popular and provide a quality evening for our Members to showcase their products to members of the public.
This organization and [the two Business Expos] are effective, for the exposure you get and the opportunity to network and build your business. The Business Expos provide an avenue that allows existing business members as well as new members to spotlight their goods and services.
Networking is good with any organization, but the devil is in the details, getting your hands dirty… that opens doors.
The Chamber has been great in helping us grow our new business, getting our product out to the community through the Spring Fling and Summer Bash Business Expos. We’ve gained clients and customers. I love the Chamber. It’s an amazing organization that develops great business camaraderie.
Uneeke Boutique has made La Mesa home for a little over 2 years. During this time, I have appreciated all the love and support from the community.
Several months ago, I decided to become a member of the La Mesa Chamber of Commerce. Mary England, President and CEO, is definitely all about the “needs” of small businesses and “doing” for those businesses. Her knowledge and expertise speaks for itself. Uneeke Boutique recently held its “Official” Ribbon Cutting ceremony and everyone, including the Chamber members came out to show their support. The event was such a huge success, that we will be planning future events at Uneeke Boutique.
Thank you Mary England for all you do for small businesses.
As a new business owner, I found everything I could have ever asked for and then some in my La Mesa Chamber of Commerce. Their team started with tons of communication about my vision and how they could support the goal of JDog Junk Removal & Hauling San Diego. From the beginning, they worked diligently to help us achieve our goals, from planning the Grand Opening to referring clients our way. They have helped us to network between events and luncheons to find partners, affiliates, and friends we would not have otherwise had the opportunity to meet. They understood our cause, and if they didn’t we would devise ideas to ensure the goal was successfully attained. They heard our concerns and worked out a solution to any dilemma’s we faced. The La Mesa Chamber continues to be a part of JDog’s life as we progress into the future. The Chamber is not just a company to get you started, they are there to grow with you and they want to help your organization flourish with as much gusto that you have for your personal business. The La Mesa Chamber of Commerce is more than a company, they are our extended family.