The Chamber held its first mixer of the year on Wednesday, January 17th at Hooleys Public House, 5500 Grossmont Center Drive in Grossmont Center. Each year we are pleased to partner with Craig McDonald and Erin Turner and their staff to bring this mixer to our members. This year was no exception, we had an overflow crowd that was loud and lively. Go to the Chamber Instagram account @lamesachamber and view the mixer! The crowd feasted on selections from the menu: Guinness Brats & Champ, Irish mashed potatoes, Irish macaroni and cheese and Chicken Wings. The room was full of laughter and conversation as people enjoyed each other’s company. Our photographer Sandy Small was there to capture the evening and we thank her for her dedication to our Chamber and members. We look forward to another great mixer at Hooleys Public House in the future!
Photos courtesy of Sandra Small/ Photographer.